Module 1 | الوحدة 1

Objectives for module 1: Introduction to Medical Microbiology

Upon completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • Be able to define common terms (e.g., microbiology, protozoa, virus, bacteria, algae, toxin, helminths)
  • Understand the roles of microbes in nature (e.g. decomposers, producers, nitrogen fixation, causes of diseases, probiotics, normal flora, etc);
  • Know that microbes are a source for antibiotics, drugs, enzymes, hormones and foods (bread, cheese, yogurt, etc).
  • Differentiate between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  • Understand the structure of bacterial cell wall.
  • Understand the morphology, epidemiology, and diseases caused by Staphylococcus.

Components: two lectures; online exercises and feedback form plus innovation, creativity and the use of higher-order thinking patterns (see below):

Lecture 1: Introduction to Medical Microbiology

Objectives for lecture 1:

  • Be able to define common terms (e.g., microbiology, protozoa, virus, bacteria, algae, toxin, helminths)
  • Understand the roles of microbes in nature (e.g. decomposers, producers, nitrogen fixation, causes of diseases, probiotics, normal flora, etc);
  • Know that microbes are a source for antibiotics, drugs, enzymes, hormones and foods (bread, cheese, yogurt, etc).

Lecture 2: The Cell Wall and Gram +ve Cocci

Objective for lecture 2:

  • Differentiate between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  • Understand the structure of bacterial cell wall.
  • Understand the morphology, epidemiology, and diseases caused by Staphylococcus.

Click Here for Online Exercises & for the Feedback Form 

  إنقر هنا للوصول لتمارين الوحدة الالكترونية وصندوق المقترحات

تابع جديد الوحدة وأخبار التخصص واطرح أي استفسار وناقش من خلال أدوات التواصل أدناه أو مباشرة من خلال قناة اليوتيوب


مع تمنياتي للجميع بالتوفيق والنجاح

Best wishes 

45 comments on “Module 1 | الوحدة 1

  1. Welcome all.. and start the interactions and comments.. In English please
    مرحباً بكم وفي إنتظار مداخلاتكم
    باللغة الإنجليزية لتعم المنفعة

  2. شكرا دكتور ممكن تعطينا معلومات عن الايبولا وشكرا
    ebola what is it????????
    thank you doctor

  3. مرحباً دكتور وشكرا على المجهود الجبار لتوفير هذا الموقع… ممكن لو سمحت تفهمني لماذا البكتريا الخارقة (MRSA)
    لا تسبب مرض لكل إنسان ولكن للبعض دون الأخر

    • Dear student, first I would like you to try and write in English please, and you can include Arabic as an explanation but while trying to write in English as well.

      Second, to answer you questions:
      The reason is the immune system. That is, MRSA cause infections when they can over come the immune system. For example, the skin and mucus membranes are part of the immune system, and if they are damaged the MRSA bacteria can cause infections. Examples, include burn victims and people with skin cuts. In addition, people with compound fractures can contract osteomyelitis since the MRSA bacteria can contaminate the bone in these cases.
      Therefore, if the immune system is weak the individual is susceptible to infection. And one of its common infections is post-shaving folliculitis since they inter after shaving into the hair follicles.
      السبب هو المناعة. وتشمل العوامل المناعية في الإنسان الجلد السليم والأغشية المخاطية السليمة التي تمثل الحاجز الأول بين مسببات المرض والجسم وبالتالي سلامة هذه الأغشية والجلد يحول دون الإصابة بالمرض. ولكن إذا كان الإنسان مصاب بجروح أو خدوش أو حروق فهو معرض للإصابة بالإلتهاب من قبل هذه البكتيريا. كما إن الإصابة بالكسور المركبة مثلاً (حيث يخرج بعض من العظم خارج الجسم بسبب الكسر ثم يعاد بالمستشفى لمكانه ولكن غالباً يتلوث بالجراثيم بطبيعة الحال) وذلك يعرض الإنسان بالإصابة بالإلتهاب في العظم
      وكذلك إذا كان الإنسان مصاب بضعف في المناعة لإي سبب أخر فيكون عرضه للمرض والإصابة بهذه الجرثومة
      ومن أشهر أمراضها ما تسببه من إلتهاب في الجلد بعد الحلاقة بسبب دخولها عير خدوش الموس حتى الوصول لبصيلات الشعر
      وقس على ذلك

  4. Doctor Alqumber. Thank you. this is good teach me like this.
    can you tell more on corona please.
    thank you

      • Hello everyone,
        Good questions (خالد جمعان) and (محمد عطيه).
        The final practical exam will test your skills in the practical components of microbiology that we practices throughout the course. You will be most likely asked to differentiate between bacterial cultures frown on different selective/differential media, and cross-streak a plate, do serial dilutions, demonstrate aseptic techniques, stain some microbes and visualize them under the oil immersion lens and identify their morphology. Also, all the different tests and stains described during the course are examinable. These include acid-fast staining, capsular staining, silver staining, flagellar staining, hanging drop microscopy..etc.

        Tests that you may also be asked to do include: oxidase, catalase, serotyping (like lancefield, agglutinations..etc), quellung capsular swelling, and all the tests we studies with the enterobacteriaceae…etc:-

        I will also make it more clear as we go through the different modules..
        Best wishes

  5. Dr. Alqumber, thank you for you amazing lectures, I want to ask you something,
    you said that most micro organisms are not pathogenic, and in our teacher slides he said that all microbes are pathogenic ,how can that be understandable ?

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