Module 3 | الوحدة 3

Objectives for the whole module:

Upon completion of this part, students should be able to:

  • Describe the Bacillus and Clostridium genera and list their pathogenic species;
  • Describe the mode of transmission, clinical findings, the morphology and identification (diagnostic tests) for each of the pathogenic Gram positive spore forming rods.
  • List some effective antibiotics against Bacillus and Clostridium pathogenic species.

Components: two lectures; online exercises and feedback form plus innovation, creativity and the use of higher-order thinking patterns (see below):

Lecture 1: The Bacillus Genus

Objectives for lecture 1:

  • Describe the Bacillus  genus and list their pathogenic species;
  • Describe the mode of transmission, clinical findings, the morphology and identification (diagnostic tests) for each of the pathogenic Bacillus species.
  • List some effective antibiotics against Bacillus pathogenic species.

Click Here for Bacillus Online Exercises & Feedback Form 

  إنقر هنا للوصول لتمارين البسلاي الالكترونية وصندوق المقترحات 

Lecture 2: The Clostridium Genus

Objective for lecture 2:

  • Describe the Clostridium genus and list their pathogenic species;
  • Describe the mode of transmission, clinical findings, the morphology and identification (diagnostic tests) for each of the pathogenic Clostridium species.
  • List some effective antibiotics against Clostridium pathogenic species.

Click Here for Clostridium Online Exercises & Feedback Form 

  إنقر هنا للوصول لتمارين الكلوستريديا الالكترونية وصندوق المقترحات 

تابع جديد الوحدة وأخبار التخصص واطرح أي استفسار وناقش من خلال أدوات التواصل أدناه أو مباشرة من خلال قناة اليوتيوب

وأدوات التواصل التفاعلى أدناه تهدف كذلك إلى:

نشر أخبار المقرر ووثائق وأبحاث ونصوص مرتبطة بالمقرر ونحوه – فمرحباً بتواصلكم وتفاعلكم

مع تمنياتي للجميع بالتوفيق والنجاح

Best wishes 

21 comments on “Module 3 | الوحدة 3

  1. Salam Dear Students,
    Please start commenting and interacting. Enrich the course with your ideas, relevant science, articles, news and any questions you have.
    I am also waiting for your homework. Note there are two exercise forms for this module. One for the Bacillus genus lecture, and the other for the Clostridium genus.
    Regards and Best Wishes

    • Dear Fouad Ahemed,
      Not usually, disinfectants are chemicals that can kill all types of cells and include bleach, phenol and alcohol. Antibiotics are selectively toxic and kill selected cells while sparing others, and therefore resistance can develop against antibiotics more than disinfectants.

      المطهرات غالباً مواد كيميائية يمكن أن تقتل جميع أنواع الخلايا لو تعرضت لها وتشمل الفينول والكحول وفي المقابل المضادات الحيوية هي انتقائية السُمية وتقتل الخلايا المحددة في حين تُجنب خلايا اخرى، وبالتالي المقاومة يمكن أن تتطور للمضادات الحيوية اسرع

  2. كيف أحصل على النطق الصحيح لأسماء الجراثيم يادكتور ألامر صعب
    ولكم مني وزملائي كثير الشكر وعظيم التقدير على تجاوبك الدائم بالكلية وخارجها

    • Dear Jumaan,
      Diabetes mellitus is known to damage cells and reduce immunity. Also, diabetes mellitus damage blood vessels and can cause ischemia. As a consequence, anaerobic bacteria, like clostridium perfringens, can grow and produce their toxins and cause diseases easier in patients with diabetes mellitus. Hope this answer your question. Regards

    • Dear Mohammed,
      It is difficult to sterilize food, specially when we have spores involved. Remember that spores are resistant to the heat of cooking and many chemical disinfectants. If you want to sterilize rice and kill all spores you will need to autoclave or radiate !! This will be very expensive. Nonetheless, it is ok to have few spores ingested, as long as they are not allowed to germinate and produce their toxins. Therefore, basic food safety principles should be sufficient to prevent any problems. You can have a look at the website below to remind yourself with these safety principles (لهيئة الغذاء والدواء):

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