Module 5 | الوحدة 5

Objectives for module 5:

Upon completion of this part, students should be able to:

  • Describe the Enterobacteriaceae and list their pathogenic species;
  • Describe the mode of transmission, clinical findings, the morphology and identification (diagnostic tests) for each pathogenic member of the Enterobacteriaceae;
  • List some effective antibiotics against each of the pathogenic member of the genus Enterobacteriaceae.

Components: two lectures amalgamated into one youtube audio-slide lecture; online exercises and feedback form plus innovation, creativity and the use of higher-order thinking patterns (see below):

Lecture 1 & 2 in one youtube clip: Enterobacteriaceae

Click Here for Online Exercises & for the Feedback Form

  إنقر هنا للوصول لتمارين الوحدة الالكترونية وصندوق المقترحات

تابع جديد الوحدة وأخبار التخصص واطرح أي استفسار وناقش من خلال أدوات التواصل أدناه أو مباشرة من خلال قناة اليوتيوب

مع تمنياتي للجميع بالتوفيق والنجاح

Best wishes 

36 comments on “Module 5 | الوحدة 5

  1. Dear Students,
    Was good run so fare with this e_learning course.. Sure you will have more ideas, news and comments for this module.
    Also, I am waiting to receive your homework exercises as usual.
    Regards and best wishes

  2. Thanks Dr. Mohammed,
    I please want you help with this:
    how E.coli has been turned into a biological hard drive???
    what this mean, thank you

    • Salam Alikum Mohammed,
      Please note that scientists use E. coli as a host for genes and in genetic engineering to produce many proteins, enzymes and drugs. Remember what we said in lecture 1 about insulin production :
      and for more details please see:

    • Salam (Jumaan Saad),
      If one of you were working for this company as a Quality Officer and Food Safety Inspector, this manager or Head of peanut company would not been in Jail..
      This is why your studies are important.
      Thank you for a very good piece of news.
      Have a good day.

    • Well done (مسفر عبدالغفار)
      vaccine are great to prevent diseases,,, this is the heart of what we are hoping to do in this course.. teach you to diagnose, treat and prevent infectious diseases.
      Great work

    • Salam Dear (غرم الله الزهراني),
      Thank you.. again, like my comments to you colleague (عبدالكريم محمد) above.. this is a reason for concern. We need to use antibiotics in a prudent manner and find new antibiotics as well.

    • Salam Dear Wael Al-malki,
      You can boil the water to kill E. coli and most other bacteria.
      Filtration is also a good way to remove most impurities.
      Reverse osmosis is the best method to purify water for drinking if you are starting with well, or lake water which is not very contaminated with impurities or salts. Otherwise you can distill it, like what we do in the Gulf, starting with sea water.

    • Dear Salman Ahmed,

      Your questions is very good and very important.
      The main reason is that people usually develop immunity to the bacteria in their immediate environment. And because they are not stressed and have a good idea where and what to eat in their home country. But when they travel overseas the get exposed to new strains of bacteria for the first time, and they are stressed because of their travels and have no good idea which foods (restaurants) are clean in the new country their are visiting. This is why they will be more likely to get infected.

  3. جزاك الله خير دكتور محمد. انا من جامعة الجوف وانت أنقذتني والله من الرسوب في ذا المقرر. شكراً
    مع خالص تحياتي
    طالبك سالم

  4. I am very thankful to you Dr.Alqumber , i am Phd student , my research interests on Salmonella Resistance to antibiotics and Identification ,characterization of salmonella ( phenotyping and genotyping )
    I hope if i can contact with you by Email , to discuss with you about that , and take your advice and suggestion.

    Best wishes


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