فكر وحل لغز “ميكروبي3” للحصول على الدرجات العليا

هنا تجد المتعة والتسلية والتفكير الشيق لحل مشكلة محلية ذات علاقة بالأحياء الدقيقة الطبية – الوحدة 5- وكذلك الحصول على درجات عالية في المقرر

شاهد المقطع أدناه بخصوص تكاثر البكتيريا ، ثم أجب على الأسئلة التالية في خانة التفاعل اخر الصفحة – باللغة الإنجليزية طبعاَ

Watch the video below describing bacterial growth – then answer the following questions: 1) what is the doubling time for the described bacteria in the video?, 2) what is logarithmic growth?, 3) If a tube is half full with the bacteria depicted below, how many minutes will it take to full it up? 4) what is the growth rate of the population of Saudi Arabia? and what is our doubling time?.

مع تمنياتي للجميع بالتوفيق والنجاح

Best wishes 

18 comments on “فكر وحل لغز “ميكروبي3” للحصول على الدرجات العليا

  1. answers I can know
    1) what is the doubling time for the described bacteria in the video?
    20 minutes

    2) what is logarithmic growth?
    fast growth

    3) If a tube is half full with the bacteria depicted below, how many minutes will it take to full it up?
    20 minutes

    4) what is the growth rate of the population of Saudi Arabia? and what is our doubling time?
    I do not know the doubling time

      • And yes Dear (Abdullah J).
        the growth we call logarithmic means that the population grow not by simply adding a fixed number to the populations (like 1 mln per year) but it means the increase is increasing every year, that is, the extra addition every time is more than the one before. This is a very important concept ti understand.

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