معلومات عامة عن مقرر المصطلحات الطبية | Medical Terminology Course Information

Required Textbook |إنقر هنا لمعرفة المرجع العلمي المقرر

Additional handouts will be provided.

Course Description 

This course teaches medical terminology for all students interested in undertaking a medical program of study. It teaches the basics of terminology of the medical field in a systematic manner. Focus is on the plural and singular forms of the common Latin and Greek medical term and on combining prefixes, suffixes and roots to form medical terms. Each body system will also be covered individually. The most common terms used in microbiology, epidemiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, genetics and pathology are also detailed throughout the course.

Youtube lectures–>ويمكنك الاستمتاع بمحاضرات صوتية لموضوعات ودروس المقرر بالنقر هنا

Exercises–>ويمكنك الحصول على بعض التمارين عبر النقر هنا و هنا